I have half an hour before I leave for work and have nothing to do, so I thought I'd give the star ratings for this week's days off.
Wednesday: Finished work early, went to gym with Daz. Went to the Victory in the evening to watch the football. A fairly decent turnout as well. Rating: 3.5/5
Thursday: Old school banter at the RE Bar. Carl also made an appearance having come home from Bristol for a couple of days. Rating: 3.5/5
Friday: Went into London with Carl to see Daz and his uni mates. Ended up at someone's house in Bermondsey. Uncomfortable night on the floor. Long journey home. Rating: 3/5
Saturday: Watched the Villa v Man Utd game at the RE. Then headed to the tennis club for the darts tournament. I didn't play but just watched. Quite enjoyable. Rating: 3.75/5
Overall star rating: 13.75/20 = 69%
Next week will see some transatlantic action so should be pretty high-scoring!
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Need to get organised
Last night I went into London with Carl and met up with Daz and some of his uni mates. It ended up with us three guys spending the night on the floor of someone's flat in Bermondsey. It was a long night due to the hard floor, lack of pillow and mattress (two cushions had to suffice), Carl's snoring and the relentless farting. On the way home this morning there was a lot of engineering works on the tube, which resulted in a long journey on the Jubilee and Piccadilly lines.
I've just got in and I've been overcome by a feeling that I have a lot to do. Therefore I'll make a list right here of the things that need doing / on my mind...
1. Have a wash and a shave; I stink and look rough
2. Need to get dollars for LA at some point
3. Need to go to gym tomorrow morning; was meant to go today but staying out last night ruined that
4. Need to think of an excuse to pull out of a work do in a couple of weeks
The last point is probably the one that is on my mind the most. I really need to cook up a decent excuse, any suggestions welcome.
I think we're heading to the RE Bar late this afternoon to watch the Man Utd v Aston Villa game.
One last thing, thanks to those who commented on the last post. Mark Bellew - great story! And John the Gambler, many thanks for writing nearly a whole blog post on my grumpiness!
That's all for now
I've just got in and I've been overcome by a feeling that I have a lot to do. Therefore I'll make a list right here of the things that need doing / on my mind...
1. Have a wash and a shave; I stink and look rough
2. Need to get dollars for LA at some point
3. Need to go to gym tomorrow morning; was meant to go today but staying out last night ruined that
4. Need to think of an excuse to pull out of a work do in a couple of weeks
The last point is probably the one that is on my mind the most. I really need to cook up a decent excuse, any suggestions welcome.
I think we're heading to the RE Bar late this afternoon to watch the Man Utd v Aston Villa game.
One last thing, thanks to those who commented on the last post. Mark Bellew - great story! And John the Gambler, many thanks for writing nearly a whole blog post on my grumpiness!
That's all for now
Monday, 17 November 2008
Ok, here are some random observations I've made over the last few days.
Old people and basic technology
Before I start, I will be using the term 'old people' a lot. This might not be a politically correct term but I don't know what the correct term is so sorry if it offends anyone.
The other day I had to make a trip to the bank. In front of me there was a queue of five or six people, and two more people being served at the desks. I must have been in there queueing for about fifteen to twenty minutes whilst those ahead of me got their problems solved by the clerks. The woman directly in front of me was an OAP (a fresh OAP, not a really old one) and when her turn finally came, all she wanted to do was withdraw £40. Now, she could have saved twenty minutes of her life by simply using the cash machine outside and finishing the job in seconds. I bet if someone suggested this to her, her response would be that she prefers the good old-fashioned way and someone at a desk can give her the money. Or something like "I don't like machines".
I can fully understand why old people have an aversion to using machines. They weren't brought up with machines and why should they start using them now? I'll tell you why you should. The world is changing. Technology is the way forward whether you like it or not, that's the harsh reality. Well, 'harsh' is actually the complete wrong word for it because technology makes life better. It should be embraced, not avoided, and this is the simple concept that old people should take on board.
I want to make it clear that this is not me venting a frustration. It is illustrating a competely logical and practical point. This will probably be interpreted as me having a dig at geriatrics, when in fact it is the complete opposite. If I explain the above situation to somebody in person they will probably say "oh let her be, she's old and not used to machines". That is not a helpful thing to say. But if just one OAP reads this (I know they won't but hey) then at least they'll have read an important lesson and there's a small chance that it will have helped their life.
This has become a bit abstract now, but this fear of technology is something I encounter every day at work. At the airport I can understand it a bit more, because the passenger has forked out a lot of money for their ticket and should be able to get checked-in by a real human being at a desk if they want it (having said that, that option is not available at Terminal 5). However, the people who use technology and check-in online will always win. They will get to pick their seats before those who choose to check-in at the airport. Fact. So it's no use complaining to me at the airport that all the seats have gone and that British Airways is the worst airline in the world - if you'd used the options made available to you by technology (just like most people) then all would have been hunky dory.
One more thing. I'm not talking about brain surgery here. The examples I've used (using a cash machine and checking-in online) are two extraordinarily easy tasks to accomplish. So come on old people (and technophobes) - get with the programme.
I was in a supermarket the other day and was waiting patiently in the queue at the checkout. The woman in front of me was being served. When the guy at the till told her the bill, she looked up as if she had forgotten where she was and that the idea of actually having to pay for the goods was completely alien to her. Then the painfully slow process began of reaching for the handbag, rummaging through the handbag, withdrawing the purse, getting a fiver out, realising that wasn't anywhere near enough to cover the cost, getting the credit card out, inserting the card into the machine, struggling to remember the PIN number, and finally completing the transaction. This is dithering, and it's poison to the human race.
Fair enough she might have had something on her mind or whatever, but let's just assume that she was in perfect mental and physical state. She was totally unprepared for the task that she knew was coming - paying. Her epic struggle to come up with the money wasn't just a trial for her - it was for everyone in the queue. At the outset I was pretty frustrated, but as the debacle continued I found it increasingly amusing. I looked behind me at the queue however, and there was a long line of extremely irritated people. Heads were being shaken, tuts coming out of every mouth. Deep sighs in between. A young child was getting restless in its pushchair and I don't blame it. By the time the woman had finally completed the transaction and packed everything into her trolley, people didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I heard both chortling behind me and a lot of bitter grumbling.
Message to all ditherers in situations similar to this - please, please just spend two seconds on thinking ahead of what is about to happen.
Days off
Something completely different. Just for the sake of it, I'm going to start giving a star-rating to each set of my three days off. So, starting with the last three...
Monday night: I finished work early and went to the tennis club. Good friendly barmaid and a reasonable group of people turned up (Loz, Covey, Lauren, Simon, plus Hodgson and McDermott randomly). Rating: 4/5
Tuesday: Went to gym with Daz. Then went to Arsenal game. London was dead afterwards though. Rating: 3/5
Wednesday: Very boring during the day. Ended up at the Victory in the evening with Gareth and Daz which saved it. Rating: 3.5/5
Thursday: Sore throat during the day. Woodman that evening with Loz and Daz. Rating: 3.75/5
Overall star rating: 14.25 / 20 = 71%
Reflecting on this post
Reading this back, I sound like an exceptionally grumpy bastard.... I'm actually in an really good mood!!
Thanks for reading
Old people and basic technology
Before I start, I will be using the term 'old people' a lot. This might not be a politically correct term but I don't know what the correct term is so sorry if it offends anyone.
The other day I had to make a trip to the bank. In front of me there was a queue of five or six people, and two more people being served at the desks. I must have been in there queueing for about fifteen to twenty minutes whilst those ahead of me got their problems solved by the clerks. The woman directly in front of me was an OAP (a fresh OAP, not a really old one) and when her turn finally came, all she wanted to do was withdraw £40. Now, she could have saved twenty minutes of her life by simply using the cash machine outside and finishing the job in seconds. I bet if someone suggested this to her, her response would be that she prefers the good old-fashioned way and someone at a desk can give her the money. Or something like "I don't like machines".
I can fully understand why old people have an aversion to using machines. They weren't brought up with machines and why should they start using them now? I'll tell you why you should. The world is changing. Technology is the way forward whether you like it or not, that's the harsh reality. Well, 'harsh' is actually the complete wrong word for it because technology makes life better. It should be embraced, not avoided, and this is the simple concept that old people should take on board.
I want to make it clear that this is not me venting a frustration. It is illustrating a competely logical and practical point. This will probably be interpreted as me having a dig at geriatrics, when in fact it is the complete opposite. If I explain the above situation to somebody in person they will probably say "oh let her be, she's old and not used to machines". That is not a helpful thing to say. But if just one OAP reads this (I know they won't but hey) then at least they'll have read an important lesson and there's a small chance that it will have helped their life.
This has become a bit abstract now, but this fear of technology is something I encounter every day at work. At the airport I can understand it a bit more, because the passenger has forked out a lot of money for their ticket and should be able to get checked-in by a real human being at a desk if they want it (having said that, that option is not available at Terminal 5). However, the people who use technology and check-in online will always win. They will get to pick their seats before those who choose to check-in at the airport. Fact. So it's no use complaining to me at the airport that all the seats have gone and that British Airways is the worst airline in the world - if you'd used the options made available to you by technology (just like most people) then all would have been hunky dory.
One more thing. I'm not talking about brain surgery here. The examples I've used (using a cash machine and checking-in online) are two extraordinarily easy tasks to accomplish. So come on old people (and technophobes) - get with the programme.
I was in a supermarket the other day and was waiting patiently in the queue at the checkout. The woman in front of me was being served. When the guy at the till told her the bill, she looked up as if she had forgotten where she was and that the idea of actually having to pay for the goods was completely alien to her. Then the painfully slow process began of reaching for the handbag, rummaging through the handbag, withdrawing the purse, getting a fiver out, realising that wasn't anywhere near enough to cover the cost, getting the credit card out, inserting the card into the machine, struggling to remember the PIN number, and finally completing the transaction. This is dithering, and it's poison to the human race.
Fair enough she might have had something on her mind or whatever, but let's just assume that she was in perfect mental and physical state. She was totally unprepared for the task that she knew was coming - paying. Her epic struggle to come up with the money wasn't just a trial for her - it was for everyone in the queue. At the outset I was pretty frustrated, but as the debacle continued I found it increasingly amusing. I looked behind me at the queue however, and there was a long line of extremely irritated people. Heads were being shaken, tuts coming out of every mouth. Deep sighs in between. A young child was getting restless in its pushchair and I don't blame it. By the time the woman had finally completed the transaction and packed everything into her trolley, people didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I heard both chortling behind me and a lot of bitter grumbling.
Message to all ditherers in situations similar to this - please, please just spend two seconds on thinking ahead of what is about to happen.
Days off
Something completely different. Just for the sake of it, I'm going to start giving a star-rating to each set of my three days off. So, starting with the last three...
Monday night: I finished work early and went to the tennis club. Good friendly barmaid and a reasonable group of people turned up (Loz, Covey, Lauren, Simon, plus Hodgson and McDermott randomly). Rating: 4/5
Tuesday: Went to gym with Daz. Then went to Arsenal game. London was dead afterwards though. Rating: 3/5
Wednesday: Very boring during the day. Ended up at the Victory in the evening with Gareth and Daz which saved it. Rating: 3.5/5
Thursday: Sore throat during the day. Woodman that evening with Loz and Daz. Rating: 3.75/5
Overall star rating: 14.25 / 20 = 71%
Reflecting on this post
Reading this back, I sound like an exceptionally grumpy bastard.... I'm actually in an really good mood!!
Thanks for reading
Sunday, 16 November 2008
Back in black
This blog is back to being black, after Arsenal lost 2-0 at home yesterday to Aston Villa. I was hoping they'd go on an extended run of good results, which I could attribute to my blog being red, but that run lasted for a whole one game.
I should be doing a proper post soon. I've made a note of a few specific things I want to mention, rather than me just prattling on about how much I had to drink last night. Hopefully I can keep it quite light-hearted in contrast to my recent postings, which attracted some criticism from my reader(s)! All comments are welcome so thanks to John the Gambler for frequently adding his thoughts.
I have work to go to so bye for now.
I should be doing a proper post soon. I've made a note of a few specific things I want to mention, rather than me just prattling on about how much I had to drink last night. Hopefully I can keep it quite light-hearted in contrast to my recent postings, which attracted some criticism from my reader(s)! All comments are welcome so thanks to John the Gambler for frequently adding his thoughts.
I have work to go to so bye for now.
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Sore throat
Woke up this morning with a sore throat. I haven't been ill so far in 2008 (that I can remember) so this is a bummer. All day I've been drinking a hell of a lot of water (must be on the fifth pint now) so I can try and rinse it out of my system. I'd planned to go to the gym with Daz this morning and I really didn't feel like it when I got up, but I did it anyway and it was quite a good workout.
It's currently 2.16pm and I'm bored. I played a bit of poker earlier and won a small amount, and have been watching a few stupid but entertaining videos on the Tube. Now I'm beginning to feel a bit tired but I don't want to have a nap because I always end up feeling groggy when I wake up. I'm tempted to ask Daz if he fancies a Starbucks but the weather is looking decidedly grim outside. My activities this afternoon are yet undecided...
This evening is the last night at the Woodman before it shuts down. Loz, Daz and I are the only ones from my lot going I think. My sister might be making an appearance too.
Last night I went to the Victory in Pinner with Daz and Gareth and it turned out to be quite a good night. £2 a pint on a Wednesday night ('Sexy Wednesdays') which is reasonable and a new venue asides from the tennis club. The music was a bit on the loud side (and a bit on the shit side at times) but the hot barmaid made up for it.
Time for some more water.
It's currently 2.16pm and I'm bored. I played a bit of poker earlier and won a small amount, and have been watching a few stupid but entertaining videos on the Tube. Now I'm beginning to feel a bit tired but I don't want to have a nap because I always end up feeling groggy when I wake up. I'm tempted to ask Daz if he fancies a Starbucks but the weather is looking decidedly grim outside. My activities this afternoon are yet undecided...
This evening is the last night at the Woodman before it shuts down. Loz, Daz and I are the only ones from my lot going I think. My sister might be making an appearance too.
Last night I went to the Victory in Pinner with Daz and Gareth and it turned out to be quite a good night. £2 a pint on a Wednesday night ('Sexy Wednesdays') which is reasonable and a new venue asides from the tennis club. The music was a bit on the loud side (and a bit on the shit side at times) but the hot barmaid made up for it.
Time for some more water.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Boring day
This day off seems to have slipped by quite quickly even though I've hardly done anything, which is frustrating. Last night it was good to see the Arsenal win, though when we went out afterwards everywhere was dead. We obviously go to the wrong places. Ended up getting home nearly 100% sober after getting the tube back - how I wish the underground ran 24 hours. I know the others feel the same way, in particular Daz, who has said before that he is tempted to write to Boris Johnson about it!
Tonight I don't know what is happening but I'm up for something. I sent a message round on Facebook and texted everyone but only a couple replied. It's annoying when that happens.
Whilst on the subject of going out, lately I've been getting a bit bored of the local circuit. At the tennis club I really resent the latest price increase. Only yesterday was the news dominated by how cheap alcohol is but the club still raises the prices despite everyone paying membership subscriptions. Apparently the club coffers are in pretty good nick as well, which is even more annoying. Then there's the RE Bar. This time last year we all used to head down there every Thursday night and there would be a great turnout week in week out. I'm not quite sure why but it doesn't feel the same in there any more - there's been a refurb and they've got rid of the nice big red sofa. Gareth's also raised the point that the beer in there doesn't seem to be as good as it once was and I think he's right. Moons is always an option but it's a bit of a trek compared to the tennis club and the atmosphere is always going to be lacking in there. And that's about it. The problem is there's nowhere else to go really, unless you're going to make it a 'big one'.
Lawrence has just replied to my text and it's bad news; he's not out tonight. There is good news though; he's up for the Woodman tomorrow. That should be a good night. A pub nearby is closing down and tomorrow is the last night - I'm hoping that they'll be giving stuff away or at least reducing prices. My dad's band is also playing there, as it was the pub that gave them their first break.
So it looks like the lineup for tonight is me and Daz. What will we do. Who knows.
Gambling. My Wigan bet obviously lost yesterday so my kitty is down to £18.90. I can't be bothered to give the detailed breakdown of this challenge any longer as it's getting a bit tedious formatting it every time (cutting and pasting on Blogger results in everything being stuck together in one massive sentence, completely eliminating any formatting).
Long, rambling blog entry comes to an end.
Tonight I don't know what is happening but I'm up for something. I sent a message round on Facebook and texted everyone but only a couple replied. It's annoying when that happens.
Whilst on the subject of going out, lately I've been getting a bit bored of the local circuit. At the tennis club I really resent the latest price increase. Only yesterday was the news dominated by how cheap alcohol is but the club still raises the prices despite everyone paying membership subscriptions. Apparently the club coffers are in pretty good nick as well, which is even more annoying. Then there's the RE Bar. This time last year we all used to head down there every Thursday night and there would be a great turnout week in week out. I'm not quite sure why but it doesn't feel the same in there any more - there's been a refurb and they've got rid of the nice big red sofa. Gareth's also raised the point that the beer in there doesn't seem to be as good as it once was and I think he's right. Moons is always an option but it's a bit of a trek compared to the tennis club and the atmosphere is always going to be lacking in there. And that's about it. The problem is there's nowhere else to go really, unless you're going to make it a 'big one'.
Lawrence has just replied to my text and it's bad news; he's not out tonight. There is good news though; he's up for the Woodman tomorrow. That should be a good night. A pub nearby is closing down and tomorrow is the last night - I'm hoping that they'll be giving stuff away or at least reducing prices. My dad's band is also playing there, as it was the pub that gave them their first break.
So it looks like the lineup for tonight is me and Daz. What will we do. Who knows.
Gambling. My Wigan bet obviously lost yesterday so my kitty is down to £18.90. I can't be bothered to give the detailed breakdown of this challenge any longer as it's getting a bit tedious formatting it every time (cutting and pasting on Blogger results in everything being stuck together in one massive sentence, completely eliminating any formatting).
Long, rambling blog entry comes to an end.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Arsenal v Wigan
So I'm off to the game tonight with Daz and Gary and we should be heading out afterwards in the capital.
Wigan know what they have to do to win tonight. Play rough and nasty, push the kids around, somehow get a goal, then put all eleven men in defence.
I'm going to put my next bet on Wigan to qualify, £5 at 3.75. I guess that's kind of an insurance bet in case Arsenal don't win so I don't get too down in the dumps. But I'll look at it this way; I'm more than happy to pay an extra fiver for the Gunners to win when I go to watch them!
Daz will be calling round mine shortly as we're off to Moons for some pre-lash.
Wigan know what they have to do to win tonight. Play rough and nasty, push the kids around, somehow get a goal, then put all eleven men in defence.
I'm going to put my next bet on Wigan to qualify, £5 at 3.75. I guess that's kind of an insurance bet in case Arsenal don't win so I don't get too down in the dumps. But I'll look at it this way; I'm more than happy to pay an extra fiver for the Gunners to win when I go to watch them!
Daz will be calling round mine shortly as we're off to Moons for some pre-lash.
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Going to LA
Over the last few weeks I've had several conversations with the boys about going away and have sent several messages around with suggestions of destinations. There was a lot of chat and I was growing more eager to go somewhere with each passing day. Finally today, following a prolonged conversation on MSN, I booked a small trip to Los Angeles with Daz at the end of the month. I'm already hugely excited about it but also pretty nervous! I spend all day dealing with passengers' probems at work and I really don't want to turn into one of those disaster-prone travellers who I ridicule every day!
Tottenham beat Man City earlier - nice for me to win my bet, but not so nice that they're off the bottom. Humph.
I could really do with a nice winning streak to help pay for this LA trip...
Bet 9 result: +3.61
Starting kitty: 20
1. Aston Villa to beat QPR: -5
2. Inter to beat Werder Bremen: -5
3. Ancic to beat Rochus: +1.66
4. England v Kazakhstan over 3.5 goals: +4.04
5. England to beat Belarus: +2.09
6. Newcastle v Man City over 2.5 goals: +4.27
7. Arsenal v Fenerbahce over 2.5 goals: -5
8. Liverpool clean sheet v West Brom: +3.23
9. Man City v Spurs over 2.5 goals: +3.61
Overall: 23.90
Tottenham beat Man City earlier - nice for me to win my bet, but not so nice that they're off the bottom. Humph.
I could really do with a nice winning streak to help pay for this LA trip...
Bet 9 result: +3.61
Starting kitty: 20
1. Aston Villa to beat QPR: -5
2. Inter to beat Werder Bremen: -5
3. Ancic to beat Rochus: +1.66
4. England v Kazakhstan over 3.5 goals: +4.04
5. England to beat Belarus: +2.09
6. Newcastle v Man City over 2.5 goals: +4.27
7. Arsenal v Fenerbahce over 2.5 goals: -5
8. Liverpool clean sheet v West Brom: +3.23
9. Man City v Spurs over 2.5 goals: +3.61
Overall: 23.90
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Bet 8
Liverpool to keep clean sheet v West Brom
£5 at 1.68
Liverpool have played West Brom six times in the Premier League. They have won all six and haven't conceded a goal. This season, West Brom have only scored twice away from home in the league in five games. So, Liverpool clean sheet please.
Update: Back to winning ways!
Bet 8 result: +3.23
Starting kitty: 20
1. Aston Villa to beat QPR: -5
2. Inter to beat Werder Bremen: -5
3. Ancic to beat Rochus: +1.66
4. England v Kazakhstan over 3.5 goals: +4.04
5. England to beat Belarus: +2.09
6. Newcastle v Man City over 2.5 goals: +4.27
7. Arsenal v Fenerbahce over 2.5 goals: -5
8. Liverpool clean sheet v West Brom: +3.23
Overall: 20.29
£5 at 1.68
Liverpool have played West Brom six times in the Premier League. They have won all six and haven't conceded a goal. This season, West Brom have only scored twice away from home in the league in five games. So, Liverpool clean sheet please.
Update: Back to winning ways!
Bet 8 result: +3.23
Starting kitty: 20
1. Aston Villa to beat QPR: -5
2. Inter to beat Werder Bremen: -5
3. Ancic to beat Rochus: +1.66
4. England v Kazakhstan over 3.5 goals: +4.04
5. England to beat Belarus: +2.09
6. Newcastle v Man City over 2.5 goals: +4.27
7. Arsenal v Fenerbahce over 2.5 goals: -5
8. Liverpool clean sheet v West Brom: +3.23
Overall: 20.29
2-1 to the Arsenal

I caught the last ten minutes of the game at work and it was absolute torture. It would have totally destroyed me (and the team) if there was a repeat of the Tottenham nightmare. However, it's all over and WAHEY! Just as I put Berbatov and Ronaldo into my fantasy team and removed all my Arsenal players. I also predicted a 2-0 United win in our little predictions contest, but that doesn't matter in the slightest! I'm off to the Emirates on Tuesday with Daz and Gary to see the Carling Cup game against Wigan and can't wait.
I also decided to make this blog red in tribute to the Gooners!
Looking at Alex's blog he's been making some good bets and is well ahead in our challenge. Keep it up mate!
Quick roundup of where I stand:
Bet 7 result: -5
Starting kitty: 20
Aston Villa to beat QPR: -5
Inter to beat Werder Bremen: -5
Ancic to beat Rochus: +1.66
England v Kazakhstan over 3.5 goals: +4.04
England to beat Belarus: +2.09
Newcastle v Man City over 2.5 goals: +4.27
Arsenal v Fenerbahce over 2.5 goals: -5
Overall: 17.06
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Oh dear
A 0-0 draw at the Emirates, how often does that happen?
Oh well, a minor setback but no disaster.
Oh well, a minor setback but no disaster.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Next bet
Arsenal v Fenerbahce: over 2.5 goals
£5 at 1.74
Arsenal's last two Champions League games have been 5-2 and 4-0 wins, the 5-2 one being away to Fenerbahce. So that's an average of 5.5 goals a game, or 4.3 goals a game if you include the 1-1 draw in Kiev as well.
If you look at Arsenal so far this season, there have been 60 goals in 17 competitive matches; that's 3.5 per game. If you take out the 4-4 against Spurs and the 6-0 against Sheffield Utd that's still 3.1 goals per game.
As for Fenerbahce, they have played three games since their 5-2 loss to Arsenal in which there have been 12 goals; so an average of 4 per game.
Asides from the mathematics, Fenerbahce coach Luis Aragones has said "''Our only aim is to beat Arsenal.... We want to progress, and in order to do that we need to win this match". So we can expect them to go for it; which should result in either some goals for the Turks or their defence being left exposed (or both).
On top of this, Wenger might field some of his younger squad members due to injuries to big players sustained at the weekend. Vela, Ramsey and co are very confident attacking players and I'll be surprised if there aren't a few goals tonight (at both ends perhaps).
£5 at 1.74
Arsenal's last two Champions League games have been 5-2 and 4-0 wins, the 5-2 one being away to Fenerbahce. So that's an average of 5.5 goals a game, or 4.3 goals a game if you include the 1-1 draw in Kiev as well.
If you look at Arsenal so far this season, there have been 60 goals in 17 competitive matches; that's 3.5 per game. If you take out the 4-4 against Spurs and the 6-0 against Sheffield Utd that's still 3.1 goals per game.
As for Fenerbahce, they have played three games since their 5-2 loss to Arsenal in which there have been 12 goals; so an average of 4 per game.
Asides from the mathematics, Fenerbahce coach Luis Aragones has said "''Our only aim is to beat Arsenal.... We want to progress, and in order to do that we need to win this match". So we can expect them to go for it; which should result in either some goals for the Turks or their defence being left exposed (or both).
On top of this, Wenger might field some of his younger squad members due to injuries to big players sustained at the weekend. Vela, Ramsey and co are very confident attacking players and I'll be surprised if there aren't a few goals tonight (at both ends perhaps).
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Good weekend
On Saturday night the boys and I carried out an experiment whereby we all met up in Piccadilly Circus, had a few drinks together and then split up for two hours and went our own ways, having agreed to meet back up at Eros later on. My personal experience was pretty boring compared to some of the others', but I still enjoyed it. There is something quite therapeutic about enjoying a few drinks by yourself; I seem to get some good thinking and reflecting done when I've done this (not too many times but I can only assume it will happen more often from now on)! I only stayed in one bar for my two hours (Cheers on Shaftesbury Avenue) but some of the others managed to frequent seven or eight bars each!! That's a great effort.
The night culminated in a fantastic WWE-style wrestling match between myself and Lawrence which I will look at as the spark for a possible career in 'sports entertainment' (as I think professional wrestling likes to describe itself).
Gambling... I haven't been very inspired in the last week so nothing to report.
Football... it's been brought to my attention that Tottenham have already brought out a DVD of the 4-4 game with Arsenal. What the hell? Only Spurs could do that. A whole DVD dedicated to one match in the league which wasn't even a Spurs win! It wasn't even a cup game! And they're still bottom of the table! Can you imagine if every football team brought out a DVD for every decent result they got away from home. And I'm also fed up with hearing about this David Bentley goal. Yes it was brilliant but come on, all these pundits saying it was the best goal they'd ever seen?
There are loads of similar/better goals, but here's one from Clarence Seedorf just as an example...
The night culminated in a fantastic WWE-style wrestling match between myself and Lawrence which I will look at as the spark for a possible career in 'sports entertainment' (as I think professional wrestling likes to describe itself).
Gambling... I haven't been very inspired in the last week so nothing to report.
Football... it's been brought to my attention that Tottenham have already brought out a DVD of the 4-4 game with Arsenal. What the hell? Only Spurs could do that. A whole DVD dedicated to one match in the league which wasn't even a Spurs win! It wasn't even a cup game! And they're still bottom of the table! Can you imagine if every football team brought out a DVD for every decent result they got away from home. And I'm also fed up with hearing about this David Bentley goal. Yes it was brilliant but come on, all these pundits saying it was the best goal they'd ever seen?
There are loads of similar/better goals, but here's one from Clarence Seedorf just as an example...
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