Sunday, 31 May 2009
Yesterday was good fun, played cricket in the park and went to the Oddfellows in the evening. The beer garden in that place is amazing, you'd never guess it was so big. Great music too.
Tomorrow I'll be starting a vegan diet as a weight loss experiment. Until then, ciao.
Friday, 29 May 2009
Random ideas
Anyhow, as my mind wandered in my quest to find something to do, I came up with a couple of half-interesting random things that I might be able to blog about.
1. Vegan diet
In order to continue my weight loss and at the same time do something other than just not eat, I thought of embarking on a vegan diet for a trial period. This would definitely not be for a sustained amount of time, just a couple of weeks or something. It would also have absolutely nothing to do with me taking a stand against killing animals or whatever - I love meat and cheese and milk and all that stuff. It's just that I think I would definitely lose weight if I went vegan - it's basically only eating fruit, veg and grains isn't it? In any case, I was thinking of starting this in June - stay tuned.
2. 'Hikes'
The writer Will Self (makes regular appearances on Have I Got News For You) has gone on random 'hikes' before and then written about his experiences. This includes walking over 20 miles from his house in South London to Heathrow Airport, before boarding a random transatlantic flight. I found this idea quite amusing and inspirational - next time I'm strangled by boredom to the extent that I was yesterday, I might go on a 'hike' of my own and record what happens. (At present my longest hike has been walking the seven miles home from Watford in the pouring rain, and another time dressed as an old man... I must aim to beat this)
Thursday, 28 May 2009
I was unfortunate to have some late shifts over the course of last weekend which ruled me out of a big night of banter in central London for Loz's and Alex's joint birthday bash. I heard from Gareth though that he bought something like a vodka & lemonade and a gin & tonic and it came to £17.95... when he said he'd pay by card, the price went up to £19.95!! So in that respect, maybe I had a lucky escape!
I've been emailed another guest blog which I will put up soon. I just thought I'd better make a blog post myself before I put someone else's up...
On the gambling front, I had a lucky evening on Monday when we went to Wembley Arena to watch the final night of the Premier League Darts. I'd put a cheeky score on Wade to win at 5/1 as we passed the William Hill on the way to the tube station. Collected it this morning :)
Might have a look at the French Open this afternoon, probably a bit of poker thrown in too.
PS. Hleb didn't even make the bench for Barcelona in the Champions League Final. Another big player to have left Arsenal who has failed
Friday, 22 May 2009
If the Toon go down, unfortunately that means that Hull stay up. Today Cesc Fabregas has been cleared by the FA due to lack of evidence (read: no evidence) of those spitting charges. Phil Brown just made that up after the FA Cup quarter-final at the Emirates, what an idiot. If Newcastle stay up then I can't think of a nicer team to go down than Hull.
That's all for today. I'm missing a couple of birthday bashes this weekend because of work, but someone has to keep BA running in these hard times.
Backed Delhi to beat Deccan this afternoon too.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Weather pt 2
Later my dad's band has a gig at the RE Bar. Could be a good night, depending on the outcome of the cricket.
The Flyers website
Update: the cricket has been abandoned. Stakes returned but no fun.
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Get off your iPhones
The only thing worse than an iPhone owner is a group of iPhone owners, all sat there umming and aaahing over the latest application.
Even Daz now has an iPhone, meaning nearly all of my friends join the ghastly race described above. I hope this doesn't mean all our get-togethers are now going to turn into iPhone wankathons.
Till tomorrow.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Looking back on my blog at this time last year, on May 26th I wrote: "Dreadful weather here in Northwest London today. It's nearly summer. Why is this happening? I'm not sure if I can stomach another summer like last year's."
We all know how last year's summer turned out, and the one before that. This year I've read several articles in the papers about how it's going to be hot in 2009, and each time I've read this I've said that I'm not going to be holding my breath. Long-term weather forecasting is notoriously unreliable and more often than not just plain wrong, so if anything these forecasts of a hot summer have actually dented my hopes of having some sun.
Today it's the first of three days off for me and I'm looking out the window at yet more unacceptable weather. In less than two weeks it is going to be June, which is offically summer. What the hell is going on? Why can't we have normal summers any more? I thought global warming was meant to result in hotter weather. Maybe I'll go out the front and leave my car running for the day, that might help. And I'll go and squirt all my CFC aerosols into the air.
Daz, I know you're a fellow sufferer of SAD. What are your thoughts? You must be getting jittery by now over the prospect of ANOTHER shitty summer.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Friday, 15 May 2009
To dance or not to dance
Today something a little different; an analysis of that strange human ritual, dancing. If I was to write a book on dancing (which would be akin to Ronaldinho writing a book on orthodontics) there could be many chapters. Rhythm, tempo, technique, seduction... the list goes on. The focus in today's serialisation is that vital step that precedes any of these factors - that initial decision to engage in dancing in the first place.
Now, some guys just love to dance. You just can't stop them. Step into a bar with a beat and that's it, they're off. Whether they pester you to go join them on the dancefloor or they just take off like a bat out of hell - the music simply intoxicates these guys and once they hear one of their fav tunes come out over the speakers, a transition is made.
For me, I can normally sniff out the nights where I suspect it will all culminate in dancing. Throughout the night I might put on a good show, but deep inside I'm nervously waiting for it to all begin with a grim mist of inevitability seeping through my veins with greater pressure as the evening presses on. It's like walking on a tightrope across an abyss of embarrassment, cheesey attempts to impress people of the opposite (or same) sex and no banter. Then finally, at long last, that one tune comes on and off the tightrope they fall.
Those who know me know that I don't even step onto the tightrope. I stay firmly on the edge. The thought of stepping foot on a dancefloor makes me sneer even as I sit over my keyboard this second. It all brings back bad memories of being trapped in the middle of a heaving crowd in some shitty nightclub, elbows jousting my sides and philanderers surrounding some slutty girl who knows that everyone in there is drooling over her. Everyone in there but me.
Note to self, another blog idea is about the girl who is hot but knows it. Total turnoff. Thanks, for showing me your entire cleavage, but no thanks. You cocktease. You'll never fool me.
I have the feeling this blog is getting out of control. I'll carry on for just a minute more, where was I.... yes, the moment when everyone steps onto the dancefloor - for me, that is the moment when any night ends. Whether I actually choose to leave or whether I (foolishly) decide to stay, the night is over. Dancing is not something I enjoy doing, and when I stand on the fringes sipping my beer I often wonder why there is such a compulsion to do it. Sure, I enjoy the music as much as anyone else. I just don't like to go and make weird movements over in front of the DJ whilst it's playing.
I might find the girl of my dreams on the dancefloor? Give me a break. I might pull? I doubt it. I lack the resolve, the fight and the motivation to pull on a dancefloor. I can't be bothered to compete with the jerk in the jacket who's doing his best Michael Jackson impression, or the div in the vest who's trying to act hard in front of that drunken slapper in the Hen Night sash.
By the way, there is no implication there that whilst off the dancefloor I go in the pursuit of women. If one comes and speaks to me then sure I'll do my best to entertain her, but it's often just too much effort to keep screaming down her ear above the music and just smiling and nodding at whatever she says in return without a clue what she actually said.
Again, there is no implication there that women do come up to me. And there's definitely no implication there that if one does actually come up to me, the chat is pleasant. "Who did your sideburns........" haha!
Anyway, that's enough.
PS. No I'm not gay
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Halcyon Cove

To fight the global recession and keep tourists heading there, this month the Antigua Tourist Board is offering a £120-per-adult discount on all seven-night (or more) trips to the island. Halcyon Bay works out at only £3 a night (room only) and you can take the holiday at any time in 2009. So for around £500 you could have flights and accommodation for a week in this Carribbean paradise.
The obvious downer on this one is that £500 is still a lot of money for the students in our group, and that doesn't even take into account the spending money.
In any case, in the buildup to booking your holiday I'd recommend keeping an eye out for bargains in the West Indies.
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Expensive day
After I'd dropped the wheels off at the garage I had a walk into Harrow and bought a couple of things. That set me back another £50.
I've been looking in on the Punjab v Mumbai game too and it looks like I'm going to lose another few quid on that.
So an expensive day but I'm still in quite a good mood for some reason.
Drinks later with Daz and Simon.
Monday, 11 May 2009
Guest Blog
By Jamie Wright
I doubt that many Arsenal fans would have thought that watching Patrick Vieira lifting the FA Cup in 2005 would be the last time they witnessed their captain lifting a trophy. A barren four years later there are questions being put forward to the board and management about what direction the club is going in to bring the glory days back to the Gooners.
Since taking the helm, Arsene Wenger’s transfer policy has been to sign un-nurtured talent and develop them to suit his own style of attractive football. Time and time again, Wenger has proved he canun-earth talent in the shape of Nicolas Anelka, Thierry Henry and Patrick Vieira (to name a few) and develop them into household names.
However, during the last four years, Arsenal have replaced some of their experienced players with youngsters who haven’t quite been able to deliver the performances expected at a ‘big four club’.
Departing players such as Henry, Vieira and Gilberto Silva have never been replaced since leaving, so that, according to Wenger, the younger players can develop into their positions. As an Arsenal follower I feel the only young player to be extremely successful in this regard is Cesc Fabregas.
Vieira’s transfer to Juventus paved the way for Fabregas to make the position his own and he has arguably developed into one of the top three central midfielders in the world. Mathieu Flamini also became an integral part of the Arsenal first team but with AC Milan calling, he decided to jump ship and has been a major loss to Arsenal’s engine room.
In comparison with Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool, Arsenal’s central midfield really does lack the experience needed to challenge for honours. Alex Song, Denilson and Samir Nasri will be great players but for instant success they are not the answer compared with Gerrard, Alonso, Lampard, Essien, Carrick and Scholes.
Maybe it is time for Arsene to dig deep into the transfer kitty during the summer? The signing of Andrey Arshavin went against Wenger’s typical transfer policy and his immediate success of 6 goals in 12starts may well force Wenger to delve into the market for a few more experienced players.
I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking that if a bit of experience was added to the youthful squad they already possess, Arsenal could be on the brink of brilliance once again. However, given Wenger's history, don't be too quick to use your next football bet backing such a situation to occur.
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Interesting night
Email me or facebook me for more.
Bullet points are good
- Alex's blog post yesterday was hugely entertaining. Can't wait for today's update.
- The money I had on the cricket yesterday was on the IPL, and two out of the three bets won. Up £70 on the day. In response to Alex's comment - no this was nothing to do with Dheeraj. When word gets out about 'the match' I'll ring you mate.
- Last night. Gareth's. Very good, very late. Got in about 4. Night was slightly marred by the immaturity and fiery gob of a younger girl.
- Today. There's a lot I think I want to do but I'm still a bit bleary from last night. I really need some new clothes. I also want to play tennis and maybe have a pint or two in the bar afterwards. There's also two IPL matches today which I'd like to have a look at. And I want to play poker. Life's too short.
That's all for now.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
What's happening:
2. I have over £200 on the IPL cricket today. Update on that next time.
3. I'm working this afternoon and then off to Gareth's tonight. Should be good.
4. I've been approached by a sports writer who wants to 'guest blog' on this site... it would appear my readership might be larger than I thought (not that much larger though). Stay tuned!
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
John Terry first goalscorer
Onto tonight.
I'm following the advice of tipster Chris Trinder at Kickingbets (link on the right) and have backed John Terry at 20/1 to be the first goalscorer in tonights Champions League semi against Barcelona.
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Monday, 4 May 2009
Bank Holiday Monday
I've just been on a live chat with John the Gambler on his latest venture, the Gambling Exchange. To join, go to John's blog ( and follow the instructions. Should be an interesting project.
I'm off to the Emirates tomorrow with Alex and Carl to see the second leg of the Champions League semi. Huuuuuuuge game. It will either be an awful evening or the best night ever. I'll also know tomorrow whether I'll be booking a mini-holiday to Rome at the end of this month. I was going to back United to qualify for the final but their price is 1.33.... is that not a bit low? I'm tempted to lay it. It's only 1-0 after all.
Arsenal haven't lost at home in Europe since that defeat to Chelsea in 2004 (truly awful night). They're unbeaten in 21 league games. Haven't conceded at home in Europe this season..... COME ON YOU GUNNERS
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Crash dieting
I think I might go on another crash diet in a few weeks just before I go on holiday with my family. I’ll use this blog to chronicle my progress. Essentially it will a week or two of extreme malnutrition, hopefully with rapid results. Similar to what Ricky Hatton does to drop 20kg of excess weight he puts on between fights.
Anyway, enough for now.
Barbeque at Gary’s later.
Saturday, 2 May 2009
No one home