Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Agassi - even more of a legend

Today I read some excerpts from Andre Agassi's new autobiography. The thing about him taking meths was an eye-opener but doesn't reduce my admiration of Agassi at all, in fact it probably makes me like him more for showing his human side. The drugs aside, there was some pretty inspirational stuff he wrote about when his father trained him as a child, making him hit 2500 balls a day (the required rate for him to hit a million balls a year). The funniest thing is that Agassi hates tennis! As a tennis player myself I can empathise with him; it is definitely a hatable game. It sounds weird but I guess you have to play tennis to understand it. Although maybe with Agassi's father forcing him to play there is a bit more of a logical explanation for him hating the game, but it's still amusing how someone who hates a sport and takes meths halfway during his career still came out as one of the all-time best players and with over $30m of prize money.

On a separate note, I've been booking some trips away lately. At the end of November I'll be going to Miami with Gareth and Simon and in January I'm going to Berlin for a short trip with Daz. It's nice to have some trips planned to look forward to; it gives me something to work towards.

Until next time.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

24 today

It's been a while so thought I'd write a quick entry on this dark day. Another year gone. I'm writing at the same time as playing two tables of poker so excuse any typos.

I can't think of anything specific to write about so I'll just note down the state of life at the moment.

- I got back yesterday from another week away in Turkey, the same hotel I went to in June but this time with a mate of mine from work. It was a good laugh though I'm still tired from a dreadful flight home (uncomfortable, really early in the morning etc)

- I'm really feeling like I'm getting old, it's like a grim figure looking over my shoulder. Hopefully this feeling will pass at some point (at least temporarily) but for now it has its claws stuck in good and proper. The gloomy feeling is always accompanied by an urge to somehow get an inspired idea and set up my own business so I can get my life going. As always, I'm still waiting for that eureka moment.

- Things are changing in my group of mates. Gareth and Chris have moved out and now have a flat together in Putney. I haven't seen either of them for weeks now - guys, I miss you. Daz has also been Mr Elusive since he's started his job. Daz - I miss you too buddy.

So there you have it, a bit of the birthday blues written just for you!