Thursday, 17 July 2008

Four days of fun

I now have four days off and will be having a nice little sojourn away from work. Today I'm having a buffet curry for lunch with Alex and Chops followed by some darts practice at the Woodman, in preparation for the resumption of our Premier League darts tonight. I'm playing Covey, and I'm pretty apprehensive to be honest. I know the man likes to take his darts seriously, and I certainly won't hear the end of it for a while if I lose. I haven't played since I beat Chops a couple of weeks ago, so I need to get my eye in for a bit before.

The other day I had a tennis match for the sixth team, and it was just atrocious. I don't really want to talk about it, but I'll write a little just so I can look back on this in the future and laugh. My partner was an old guy who plays the 'just get it back' style of tennis. For the record, I hate this kind of tennis with a passion. I'd rather have a go at playing a decent shot and hit it into the top of the net rather than pitter-patter the ball back and forth with absolutely no ambition and win the point. 'Just getting it back' is a boring, pathetic way of playing and I get absolutely no enjoyment out of it whatsoever - this is all in addition to the fact that you will never improve as a tennis player if you play this way. So anyway, my partner was determined in playing like this and didn't go across for one volley all night - I mean it, not one. He left easy smashes and tapped high, floating balls into the net. This left me extremely frustrated from the word go, and my mental game was gone immediately, especially because the guy kept trying to give ME advice after every point. I was playing like a freak as well, but my God I got no help from my partner at all.

This sounds like the classic 'blame it on your partner' analysis which is common in amateur tennis, but seriously folks I was in a hideous mood by the end of the match, as those who watched would testify (thanks to Chops, Alex, Gary, my mum and sis for coming along)!

I'm off to Bournemouth tomorrow for the tennis tour, so bye for now!

PS. No gambling action to report; I was going to have a punt on the Open but thought better of it.



Plenty of Tott in Bournemouth and some nice Toot at that.

Enjoy and be careful !


Twentysomething said...

Another reader I didn't know I had!

Thanks Mark, will do :)