Wednesday, 31 December 2008

2008 end of year post


Overal Profit/Loss: -93.74

Profit/Loss before I started work at end of March: -128.77

Profit / Loss since then: +35.03

This clearly shows that I was gambling out of boredom/frustration for the first three months of the year. These figures are also peanuts, probably because at the start of the year I had no money and since April my mind has been a bit distracted.

I'll be starting 2009 with a poker balance of $170 and a Betfair balance of 23 GBP.


- Another year of being single, but I actually like this (honestly)

- Been working for BA for nine months. That has flown by (dreadful pun not intended) though it is getting kind of monotonous now and I feel like I need a new challenge. It only seems like yesterday that I was saying I'd been unemployed for eight months. Now I look back on those days with a strange affection. Yeah I was depressed but I still had a lot of fun times back then. Still, plenty of good times to come I guess, even though it's getting harder to co-ordinate things with people working now / slaving away in their final years at uni.

- Two holidays, one to Tenerife and the other to Los Angeles. Also one semi-holiday to Bournemouth.

- Can't really think of anything else to mention at the moment.

Reflecting back on this time last year

I remember writing a New Year's post this time last year on my old blog. It said something like 'maybe by the end of the year I'll be a policeman and will have developed things with Marie-Claire'. Lol, no success whatsoever on those goals then!

Setting goals for this year.... it's a shame because I can't actually think of anything big. Of course I'd like to develop things with Marie-Claire so that's one. But other than that, I suppose the major goal will be to move on work-wise in one way or another. Another thing is to travel to a few more new places in 2009, that will be exciting. Gareth and I are currently on the cusp of organising a trip for February but no announcements yet.

Let's get those gambling bankrolls swelling in 2009 J.

Ok folks, happy new year


Anonymous said...

Cheer up Buddy Boy.

You are young good looking and single. Ok I lied about good-looking.

The world is your oyster. I've never really understood what that meant. The world is your shellfish.

Life is short. You are only young twice. Go for it. Enjoy 2009. Every second of of it.



Twentysomething said...

Cheers John, Happy New Year :-)


Greetings my friend lets hope 2009 brings plenty money and ficky feckey as the Iraqi trainee soldiers often say relating to sex. (It has the old septic tanks(yankS) rolling about in laughter when they say it)

I hope to beat my £20,000 profit for 2008 by at leat 10 bags of sand this year or even better win a forune on scoop 6 or the lotto eh !!

Rgs Mark

Twentysomething said...

Thanks Mark. I'd settle for just one bag added to my bankroll!

As for fickey feckey I'm hitting the town tonight but as always, won't be holding my breath!

Have a good 2009.