Saturday, 28 February 2009

Just me and Alex

I let myself down on the project of blogging every day, but I was seriously lacking inspiration the last couple of days so thought it'd be better just to take a short breather. I am still short of inspiration but I'll grind out an entry anyhow.

Alex is back in town and last night I went to the Manor with him and Loz. It was a good night and I had a bit of a headache this morning, though I'm pleased to report I dealt with it fine and I'm ready for more action tonight. However, it doesn't look like anyone else is. I've been at the drawing board for what Al and I can do and I have a couple of ideas, though I'm still disappointed there won't be any other faces around and this is a feeling I'm having to suffer rather too often. I'm going to stop before I get too emo.

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