What a night. Daz, Bot and I were walking along Regent Street trying to find Cheers and realised that we'd gone too far, but swore that we hadn't walked past it. We then found a boarded-up building where it used to be, so had to change plans accordingly. Thankfully I knew there was a sports bar round the corner on Haymarket so that became our base for the night. There was no mobile signal in there though, so a messy operation began trying to contact Loz and Gary to tell them where we were (having to go outside and phone them, then receiving ten texts all at once, blah blah blah) but we all got there in the end.
The bar became seriously busy but we managed to find a nice little corner just to ourselves right in front of one of the TV sets. However, this was probably the furthest possible location from the bar and from the toilets. Thus we bought all the drink for the entire game before kickoff and had about six pitchers lined up on the table in front of us. Going to the gents was an absolute nightmare and you just had to bite the bullet and go for it, pushing through the crowd, fighting to get to a urinal and then pushing all the way back. Going to the bog was at least a ten minute round trip.
I'll spare you any actual football analysis, but the penalty shootout was brilliant. Just like all England fans I'm so used to bitter disappointments with penalties and it was fantastic to be on the winning end of one for a change. By the way, Roma's second penalty (which was missed).... absolute comedy! I'm trying to find a video of it and when I do I'll post it. I think it was the worst penalty I've ever seen - Almunia saved it without even having to move. It was hit so softly, on the ground and straight down the middle.
Ok, I'm back to work today after six days off and I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to it. Bye for now.
From a fellow Arsenal fan.... look about 40s in for the 'comedy' penalty.
I'm jealous of your evenings antics. I was sat on my own literally tearing my hair out, the penalties were so painful to watch especially when players you wouldn't normally consider penalty specialists (i.e. denilson, sagna and toure) step up to the mark. As Tonetto missed I actually felt so so exhausted only mustering a yelp that started the dog next door yapping.
Thanks guys, comments much appreciated. Chris, the video you gave is now no longer available - I'll have to wait a bit longer to re-live the moment!
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