Wednesday, 24 March 2010


It's been a while, I know. What's been happening? Not much. I still haven't found that million dollar idea but I'll sure as hell keep trying - God knows I don't have much else to do. I got back at the weekend from a week in Malaga with a few of the boys and the truth is, I feel like shit. Not in the hungover sense but just the disillusioned, low kind of feeling that comes after every trip away with the lads. It wasn't even a particularly heavy-going holiday but I've had two weeks off work now with alcohol involved pretty much every day and it's got to the stage where I actually want to get back to work rather than sitting around on the internet all day every day followed by drinks in the evening.

I played tennis yesterday with Alex and I felt so unfit. I've put on weight and had no energy whatsoever. Couple this with the jaded feelings and I think it's time I gave my body a little breather over the spring. For the next few weeks I'll be making an effort to eat relatively healthily and I'll definitely be cutting down on the booze.

Apologies for letting my blog down over the last few months, I don't know what's happened! For those of you with twitter you can follow me using the link on the right, I certainly tweet more than I blog though I'll try to make an effort to update this more regularly. Thanks for reading

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