Thursday, 8 May 2008

Not a trainee any more

So that's the training finished at BA, I'm now a proper member of Customer Services. I have three days off now before I start on Sunday, which will be out there on the front line, staff versus passengers. The beginning of a long war, which will soon become bloody in summer. I feel nowhere near ready to be thrown in the deep end, but apparently this feeling is natural. C'est la vie I guess.

On the bright side (literally) the weather is brilliant. I hope I haven't just given it the kiss of death. By this time last year the rain had already started, and it didn't stop. So hopefully this sunshine is a good omen.

Today I might venture out and actually get some jeans and trainers, which will be my first clothes purchases in years and years, which is ridiculous.

I weighed myself today, and since I started at BA (six weeks ago) I've lost over a stone. That's good, because I was pretty chubby when I started. All those months of unemployment had led to an abundance of drinking, eating crap and not doing much else. Now I hardly eat at all because I've already lost my staff discount card, which is probably a good thing because there's a lot of cake etc about at the aiport and I can never be bothered to sit in the canteen and have a proper meal.

So, in my days off I would quite like to indulge in as much outdoor chilling out/drinking as possible, but my mates all have stuff on like exams and other BS which is a shame. What am I going to do? We'll find out soon.

That's all for now


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