Sunday, 31 August 2008


No blog entry for nearly a week. Apologies for that but I've been at work for the last seven days, so there was really no point.

Today's post concerns a debate which frequently rears its head within my group of friends: the big dilemma of whether to head into central London for a night out (and spend a fortune) or stay local and not spend that much (but run the risk of it being monotonous). The topic always leads to some heated discussion, because some of my mates are really pro-central and the others are nearly always happy to keep it nearby. As you can probably tell from the title of this entry, I fall into the latter category!

With nothing to better to do, I'll just outline what I think to be the pros and cons of each.

The big night in London

- We live in a famous, busy and fantastic capital city and are lucky to do so. We must not take this for granted, and must use London's many lovely drinking venues as frequently as possible.
- Going into central London provides a refreshing break from the repetitive routine we have on the local circuit.
- Central London provides a hive of young, free and single girls who are stunning in looks and loose on morals (amongst other things). This point is a swaying factor for some of my friends a lot more than others, but for those of us happy with our own company it still makes for some nice eye candy.

- Be prepared to spend; it aint cheap.
- Getting home. A cab is an unwanted extra expenditure.
- Lack of weighing up to expectation. I think I can count on one hand (perhaps two) the number of times I've been into town and, looking back on the occasions, feel as though they were worth doing. Come the end of the night, it is rare that the amount I've spent comes to something I would consider paying again for the same experience, or would much rather have spent on something else. More often than not, my thoughts normally resemble 'I could have spent half this amount locally and had just as good a night'. It is worth noting, however, that when a night in London does go well, it tends to be brilliant.

Going out for drinks locally

The pros
- Cheaper, although this does depend where you go
- Lack of effort required
- Can do it at the drop of a hat
- No weight of expectation

The cons
- Can be boring
- Shortage of potential girlfriends / one-night stands / girls to sit in the corner and chat to all night / nice things to gawp at
- If you can think of any more, answers on a postcard

I'm just rambling here; this post has no real conclusion. Reading it back, it has quite a negative ring to it and resonates with that grumpy old man vibe. This is strange because I'm actually in quite a good mood, it being my last day at work and all that!

There you go anyway.



Anonymous said...

Sounds ok to me.

At my age going down the local on a friday night is a big night out.

Could have gone to Chelsea Sprurs yesterday but worked out it would cost £150 so decided to watch it on the box instead.

The Gambler.

Twentysomething said...

150 quid!! You would have thought Roman could subsidise the ticket prices a bit!

Anonymous said...

53 quid for a ticket.

20 quid for train.

40 quid for beer.

10 quid for food.

And it rained, chelse drew, and it was a crap game.