Monday, 22 September 2008

Back to the grind

Yesterday was my first day back at work for over two weeks, and I definitely wasn't excited about it. I knew it was going to be a bitch going back, but I didn't forsee just how low my motivation would actually be. That will teach me for taking time off! Once I was there however, it wasn't that bad.

I don't have anything big to look forward to at the moment, so it looks like I'm going to have to book another break for some time in the not-too-distant future. I find it hard to operate in life without having something to work towards, like a holiday or big event or whatever. I was talking with the boys the other day about our holidays in the future. I told them that I felt I was 'past it' with regards to the classic lads holiday (sleeping all day, drinking all night every night nearly to the point of death) and suggested that next year maybe we get an all inclusive deal at a nice hotel. We'd splash out a bit more to begin with, but at least all the food and drink in the place would be free. This would definitely result in a bit more relaxation taking place, though the opportunity to get drunk would still be there with the free bar and all that. This is definitely the kind of holiday I want to do next time I think.

Darts. Gareth dominated me the other night and although the final score was 16-12, there wasn't really a moment where I felt like I'd win. I went 3-0 down straight off the bat and I never saw any light in the tunnel from there on to be honest. This weekend is the 'UK Open', a knockout tournament which will be held on Sunday afternoon. We did the draw on Saturday and let's say some people have a much more favourable draw than others!

Gambling - I just placed a bet on Strictly Come Dancing (I know, I know) as posted on Kickingbets.

Thanks for reading


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