Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Costly mistake :-((

Got out of work today at 12.45pm, was in a good mood because the sun was shining and I had the whole afternoon to relax. Got in my car, it wouldn't start. Not even a whimper. I'd left my bloody lights on. The bloke in the car park office offered me a jump start but it didn't work. So I had to call the AA out. £130 straight off the bat.

Vital statistics: the battery has had it, and so has the alternator. Unusual for both to go at once but they had definitely both gone.

New battery: £40
New alternator: £120
Labour at the garage: £70
AA: £130

Then VAT on top of all of that.

So it's nearly a fortnight's work just to pay for that costly error of mine. IDIOT. Plus all the hassle and stress from the afternoon, and the effort to get it to the garage and so on...

I'm still worried that I might leave the lights on again, because my car doesn't make a noise if I open the door and they're still on.

I have work at 4.45am tomorrow which is too early for the tube and the car will be out of action for the next few days. Which means I have to try to find someone who's nutty enough to give me a lift at 4am.

Not a happy boy :(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that BOAT.

It's only money. :-(.