Apologies for not posting sooner but I haven't had a moment in the last few days where I've felt like I'd be able to write a decent entry. That's not to say that this post will be brilliant, but..... you get the picture.
So, the main things that happened when Daz and I went to see Alex...
It took Daz and I seven hours to travel about 250 miles. We encountered two accidents on the motorway and an unavoidable set of roadworks about half way. Then we met one more massive jam when we were right on Alex's doorstep. Although it was long, I still enjoyed the drive. Plenty of Annie Mac on Daz's sound system kept us going. I think we got a slight case of cabin fever during our seventh hour in the car without a pit-stop and ended up in fits of hysterical laughter when Daz mentioned that the only other thing that could go wrong was if he "hit a raccoon or something". Poor old Daz had also been complaining that he needed a piss from before Nottingham - that's a long time, and he legged it straight into Alex's toilet when we finally arrived.
Omaha, Nebraska
From previous trips and outings, a common frustration has been that we get loads of photos taken but the picture-taker inevitably misses out. This time I took to asking random people (ok, girls) if they would mind taking our picture, but using a thick American accent with a variation of the following line; "Hey there, my buddies and I are out here on an excursion from Omaha, Nebraska and I'd be mighty pleased if you could take a photograph of us". It had surprisingly good results (see photo above)!
The smell
On the Saturday, Daz ate a can of baked beans for lunchtime and boy did the rest of us pay for it. This was probably a taste of my own medicine but my God the smells he was coming out with were just vile. Several times he cleared space in the pubs and bars, leaving innocent bystanders struggling for air.
We watched a lot of footy over the weekend and played a lot of Pro Evo but I don't really want to talk about football at the moment after Arsenal-Spurs last night.
Random quotes
Daz: "... as long as we don't hit a raccoon or something".
Me on the way home [in a conversation about how people grow into their ears/feet when they're kids]: "I always had to grow into my dick"
Daz: "I'm still growing into mine"
Alex: "Does anyone know Wray Ashman?"
Eastern European girl [when she saw the Nebraska technique being used on another unsuspecting victim]: "Is that your chat-up line?"
These quotes will sound awful to everyone who wasn't there, sorry for that.
Thanks for reading nonetheless!
haha...you forgot the comment about DJ's perception of caucasians!
St-Okie City?
Makes drawing at home to Spurs look good.
Could be a relegation battle this year?
The Gambler. :-)
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