Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Coping so far...

It's day three of the diet and although I'm hungry quite a lot of the time it's bearable. I've certainly been eating a lot more fruit than normal, and have had several helpings of beans on toast. I had an interesting dump earlier too, it was a kind of yellow colour. Bet you're glad you checked this blog today.

I have a tennis match tomorrow for the 5th team which I'm not looking forward to one bit. My partner is shit and according to Gareth, who played with him earlier in the season, his serve is absolutely awful (there to be gobbled up) and he can't put volleys away. See how I'm already blaming my partner for the inevitable loss? Damn right.

Loz has a match at Uxbridge tomorrow too and there's a chance he might be playing with Rigor, who I think is the worst player in team tennis at Lowlands. Just awful. How the hell he's playing 4th team is beyond me.

Time for some pasta and tomato I think...


Blogger said...

Rigor in the 4s!! Disgusting. Who is it you are playing with?

I would rather read blogs about your poo than stare at my links which says no one is updating their blogs!! Try the Carol Vordeman diet next, involves something like eating no meat or dairy and you are allowed to eat as much of anything else that you like. A lady called Gwen was telling me all about it today!


Yellow peril ...get to the Doc.....only joking.

Right regarding your diet, i will explain how it is so hard to lose weight for a young man of your age in the prime of life wanting to enjoy himself.

You can comment whether i have it spot on or not. Now i am a young man of 44 but feel 30 and look .........well well a lot better than some or most people i come across of similar age or younger who basically let themselves go when they get to 30- 35 and have settled down or are married as they dont think they need to bother to try and look good for pulling.

But BOTS your biggest problem is reducing the alcohol intake as lets face it so much of your social life involves drinking.

When i was in my twneties and had a good number of friends who obviousley are single and wanting to go out the phone would go and my week would be full a lot of weeks of THURS/FRI/SAT/SUND always out with some mates being Friday companions, some Sat, some Sunday and some Thursday so i would get in from work and the old blower would go with a certain person wanting to go Martines on Thursday night and wanting me to meet him at 2230 as he is on 2-10 shift and fancies a good drink after work. I just could not turn a night out downas i was always game for going out and so eneded up out for defo at least 4 nights a week and i mean drinking a good amount stumling back home at 3 in the morning only to be woken at 7 with a mouth like a camels arse in a sandstorm, drinking loads of cold drinks as i was dehydrated.

But i would also find myself out on Mondays as it was half price drinks in Martines and free in. Tuesday five a side and then again after running round like fuck for an hour the Spead Eagle on a nice summers night in the beer garden for another quick six (pints). Wednesday i would get another call just when i thought i was getting a nice quiet night in, from another mate who was looking for Mr Always Out (me) to go out for a couple of pints (which turned into five or six again)

Yes so BOTS it really is hard to maintain a good diet only to be spoiled by going out for numerous pints and shorts after eating a healthy dinner of salad.

You know yourself there is no point whatsoever going out with your mates drinking coke or orange juice as you stay sober while your mates are getting mullard and their speech is getting more slurred as the night goes on. It just does not work and besides after the 3rd coke your fuxking sick of the shite and end up just getting leathered as well.

Your only hope BOTS is your Tennis as at least you can warrant going out for a skinful if you have played a couple of hrs tennis, sweating your hydrualics off. You feel justifies in having a drink brcause at leeast you have done some exercise, altho it kind of defaeats the object.

But i must admit when your young most your mates are like yourself young free and single and looking for a good night out and some nice Eye Candy to try and pull after a few sherbets.

Thats one thing about getting older BOTS you find a lot of yourmates have settled down or become middle aged bores, hence the old phone isnt going every night with one of your drinking buddies wanting to go out.

As for the colour of your poo well i suppose colour shape etc etc changes due to the night befores pintsd and kebab on the way home or Indian or Pizza.

The only real way to lose weight BOTS is lock yourself away and turn off your mobile, but hey then life would be dull then wouldnt it.

So BOTS get the tennis racket out MON/TUE/WED/THUR and your beer goggles on FRI/SAT/SUN and your weight will balance out nicely.
Alternatively do what John the Gambler has done and give up the drink which i dont think is an option for a twentysomething.

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Wise Words Mr Bellew.