Tuesday, 22 April 2008

I live to fight another day

Well I got into work this morning, got a bollocking for failing yesterday, then did the re-sit and came out alive. To celebrate... into Terminal 5 tomorrow. Will try my best not to dread it, and might go out tonight for some darts with the boys.

The weather today has been quite nice, and it's about time. This time last year we were in the middle of an incredible heatwave. However, I'd gladly swap a colder April for a normal/hot summer rather than a repeat of the washout from last year.

My moan for the day: having to wear a coat to work in the morning because it's chilly, but then having to carry both my coat and jacket on the way home because I'll roast otherwise. You just can't win.

That's all I think, just a short post today. Thanks to those of you who have been leaving feedback, it makes my day!


1 comment:

Talkbet said...

Nice one on passing the test, keep the blog going, it's a good read! You can add a link to mine as well sometime if you like!
As a quick bit of advice, not sure if you can but it's worth removing that word verification thing for comments, its a pain in the arse filling them in and sometimes I dont bother leaving a comment. Make comments as easy as possible for people to leave.