Wednesday, 9 April 2008


Yeah, so I haven't been blogging much this last 10 days or so and apologies for that. Thing is, I really haven't been doing anything blogworthy. My typical day since I started work involves getting up at 5.30am, grinding out a day at BA and getting back in the front door at about 5.30pm. The work has actually been semi-enjoyable, it's just the lengthy days that are stopping me from doing anything else. In fact, most days I don't even feel like playing poker, which is saying something. I've just been sitting and playing the guitar for most of the time, which is all I can be bothered to do.

Tonight I should really play tennis as the season is coming up and apparently I'm going to be playing in a pretty decent team this year, but my body just doesn't feel up to it.

I'm looking forward to the weekend, which will hopefully give me my weekly fix of alcohol-fueled banter with the boys. My liver must be wondering what the hell is going on; it's gone from being doused in beer six nights a week to just once very seven days.

Right, I'm going to see if I can grind out a few $ at poker.

Will try to update soon.

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