Saturday, 26 April 2008

The weekend is here :-)

Another week of ups and downs has passed, and I'm sure next week will be more of the same. Expect posts where I'm on the verge of quitting, where the day before I was perfectly happy, yadda yadda.

Yesterday was another half day at work where we just discussed what we'd learned so far doing the shadowing. We also got a talk from an 'authority' on T5, who was working there on its opening day. He said it was the worst day of his career, and one of the worst days of his life. He was close to jacking in a 20-year career on the spot. The funny thing was, this little tale was told as just an aside during his presentation on how 'brilliant' Terminal 5 is supposed to be! The whole talk was about BA's values and all that corporate BS, and after every bullet point he had to say, 'well obviously this isn't the case but I'm paid to give this presentation, so I'll give it'. As an example, the very first slide of the presentation was as follows:

The Customer Promise

- Speed through the airport
- Depart on time with my bag
- Lounges for premium customers

That's enough BA chat for now. Afterwards I went out for drinks with a few of my colleagues, which was good fun.

Today, I'll probably play a bit of poker, guitar, maybe some tennis and darts, and hopefully go out for drinks with the boys later on. Again I'm itching for a bet, but unsure where to look. I woke up this morning at 7.30 and couldn't get back to sleep. That's still a two-hour lie-in! Getting up early has really transformed my body clock, it's such a big difference from sleeping in until 11 every morning for eight months with nothing to do.

Ok, I really need a coffee. Thanks for reading!


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