Tuesday, 25 March 2008

6 days left

So after deciding to make this week as interesting as possible, yesterday was pretty uneventful during the day. Played poker for most of it, but had to stop midway through the afternoon because I had a couple of nasty river cards and was starting to tilt. Can't complain though, apart from that the cards have been falling pretty nicely lately. In the evening I went out for my final Monday Night Drinks as an unemployed mug. Played some darts, drank pretty heavily, and had some pretty funny conversations. My favourite was probably when I was venting my frustration at starting work next week and wishing that I was still 'free' and had no plans. We ended up concluding that I was even more of a mug for working. For those of you who read this blog before it moved here, you will remember me writing some pretty depressed entries on how I wished I could just get a job, any job. Well now I have one and I'm still complaining! I guess I'll always be complaining about something. I'll put that down to my constant struggle to achieve perfection, or some BS like that :-)

Tomorrow I'm off to the Imperial War Museum with my sister, and I'm pretty excited. I went there a couple of times with my family when I was a little boy and I rememeber finding it fascinating back then, so hopefully tomorrow will live up to expectations. I can act like a true boff and go round reading every single plaque and information board. There aren't many things in life that I find truly interesting, but war has always been one. If I hadn't broken my hand in the summer of '04, I would probably have been in the army right now. Anyhow, I digress...

I wanted to ask you guys what you most enjoy reading on here, so I can write more of it. What do you prefer (or hate most).... the stuff about my life in general, my gambling stories, random musings...? At the moment gambling is most of my life anyway, so those elements are all intertwined. Anyway, let me know. If there's anyone out there who enjoys gambling, I could write some stuff from time to time on some basic gambling concepts / philosophies. I know there are a few of you who are seasoned pros and will know that stuff inside out, but maybe some others would be interested. Would people find it interesting if I posted up some of my biggest poker hands of the day? Or not? Maybe I should shut up, this is getting long.

Final thing. There's a song that's doing the rounds on the radio at the moment and it's pretty catchy. Normally this music isn't my cup of tea, but for some reason I really like this track; 'Come on Girl' by Taio Cruz... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JKEXSuLW_E

Oh, and thanks to those who are leaving comments, it's nice to know there are people reading this. And don't worry, I haven't done any begging (yet)...

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